Thursday, December 23, 2010



The new life is an experience which every believer wants to obtain and enjoy. The whole of life is nothing to be compared to it. No material possession should ever take its place. But how do we get into it? The answer is obviously simple! Just believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and join a bible believing church in your locality. This will give you an avenue of studying God’s word and get your self acquainted with what he wants to do with your life. In this you will come to realize how your life can fit in to God’s eternal purpose.

Once a solid spiritual foundation has been set in place, you will now be able to grow into the new life God has promised to all who come to him. The Bible calls this “maturing in Christ.” As I can readily attest, it is a lifelong process. 

God’s intent is that as new believers, we become different people. This does not mean that we become a sort excommunicated people from the society in which we live, but it does mean that we no longer live our lives according to the standards of this world. Our lives are now patterned after God’s perfect will which helps to bring order and purpose our lives and that of our environment.  We are “under construction.” We’re being transformed from the inside out. The chief architect of these changes is God himself. As a loving father, he comes alongside to personally direct our growth.

From my experience, and in observing others, some dramatic new patterns emerge. Harmful habits change.  Attitudes, thinking and language move to a new level.  Motives come under scrutiny. God shows us how to behave differently and we move on.  Our lives begin to count for the better. We become solution givers instead of problem creators.

The process continues. Selfishness gives way to service.  Relationships with others are restored.  Bitterness, envy, jealousy and hatred diminish as love increases.  We experience a new dimension of joy. Not overnight, but steadily, progressively.  Profound adjustments are underway. We realize it is true – we really are new creations because Christ is living in us!

These inward changes soon become visible. The new believer wants to get together with others who also have faith in Christ. This means we are not alone! Fresh bonds of trust, love and mutual respect are forged.

The Bible, God’s own inspired word to us, becomes a new found friend, now more relevant and understandable. We encounter the Holy Spirit, the indwelling presence of Jesus himself. We discover he is an incredible guide if we give him access.

But our new relationship brings needed constraints. It is not “anything goes,” for we see that our God is a holy God. He is to be honored, revered and obeyed. As we embrace the high standards(not religious dogma) he has set for us, we realize that they are for our benefit. In fact, everything he provides us and does for us is for our good.

However, it is imperative to come to terms with the truth that “Our new life in Christ is not one of unbroken success”. There are fresh challenges.  Old habits and old associations do not change easily.  Conflicts arise.  There are even spiritual forces that oppose us.  We doubt.  We become discouraged. In all of these, we shall eventually sail on to stardom; if we see those minor short comings as momentary set backs whose major purpose is to help us become a better person if we continue in the effort to make amends.

We are not on our own. We have entered a new and living bond with Jesus Christ. He leads. We follow. Our faith is set on a new foundation – and that foundation is Christ. How wonderful and reassuring are his words to us: “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”

In time, the transformed life impacts everything we are and do.  Recall the relationship Adam experienced with God before the fall.  Would not the Lord want to see that kind of fellowship restored, even in our work?  As one business owner commented in an interview with the Harvard Business Review, “I would love to get the workplace as close to the Garden as possible, knowing we can’t.  But I shouldn’t stop trying.” 

I know this article has been a blessing to you, feel free to write me and share your experience with me and others. Make use of the comment session below and post your comments. I intend to make this blog very interactive and of immense assistance for you to share your Christian experience with others.

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Keep enjoying your New life!


Redefining Kingdom Life style, Sharing and Enjoying the benefits of Grace! 

The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ brought grace that gave life to the entire creation. However, to enjoy the benefits of grace we have to discover our access in Christ Jesus. It is the will of God that we live life to the fullest. The lot of mediocrity and perpetual failure is never the making of God. To give you illumination into the real essence of your life and how to benefit from the work of grace, this site is created.

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